Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 03/10-11

Trevin Wax discusses the influence of Calvinism at Southern Seminary (SBTS). I particularly like this paragraph: “Perhaps there are some who fit the category of “hyperactive” Calvinists – students who are still in the proverbial “cage-stage” of Calvinism and who are actively seeking to convert all other Christians to their doctrinal viewpoint. The problem with the hyperactive strain of Calvinism is not theology, but sin, particularly the sin of pride and arrogance. It is the same sin that lies at the root of Church Growth controversies, when a young pastor enthralled with Bill Hybels proceeds to divide a church by throwing out all hymns and organs. Immaturity and selfishness comes in all forms, not merely Calvinist.”

As one that has unbelieving family members (most are “nominal” at best) this post by Chris Daukas is phenomenal: Jesus, Meet My Unbelieving Family Members

Marc Backes has an excellent point on leadership. He, like myself, spent years devouring books by leadership gurus. He has came to the same conclusion that I have: “Put the man made leadership laws down and get on your knees before Jesus and ask Him to break you and mold you. Man doesn’t make a leader. Jesus breaks a leader.”

I am so happy that Ligonier Ministries is now blogging. Check out their most recent interview with Sinclair Ferguson. (I really want to start reading Ferguson’s stuff, any suggestions on where I should start?)

Can you really develop a sermon in 279 words? One pastor is going to apply the Gettysburg Principle. I actually think I am going to try this. If I can make a sermon this concise then I probably “get” the text. (HT: Abraham Piper)


  1. I promise that sometimes I am so embarrassed to be Calvinist, not by its theology, NO WAY!, but rather I’m embarrassed by the sin issues you mentioned. Thanks for being honest.

  2. Terry, thanks for the recommendation.

    Amber, thanks for the comment. May we all be more holy than we are “Calvinistic”. Can I say that?

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