Massive Linkage (Part One)

Since I have been so busy lately my links have piled up.  I will give you part one now with all of the regular links and then do a part two in a few moments linking you to several videos.  I intend to get back to regular blogging next week.  I am getting adapted to my new life schedule.  So without further ado here is what I have intended to link to for the past three weeks:

Ray Ortlund gives 6 reasons why he is Acts29.

Piper considers Lewis’ and Edwards’ comments on pride and reflects on humility. 

For Whom Did Christ Die?  Three Views

I always love me some John Newton: Ministry on my Mind.

Tony Reinke offers 5 great Spurgeon quotes.  One of which I love: “preach Christ or go home”

I continue getting FWDs that proclaim Obama as the Antichrist along with several other outlandish claims.  Dan Wallace should be heeded as he tackles a seemingly scholarly video.  Here is the video:

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Be sure to check out Wallace’s response.

Dan Phillips provides some helpful thoughts on altar calls (I love how he not only provides rebuke to the Finneyites but also to Calvinists)

An interesting Narrated Bibliography with David Powlison

Ministers print this out and give it for premarital counseling.  All my single folks check it out as well.  Piper gives some great questions to ask when preparing for marriage

Young and old alike should find this helpful: Calvin’s Deathbed charge

Thabiti discusses Pride and Preaching

What is a bloggersation?  Tom Ascol and Alvin Reid have had one…get the details here

This would be a great piece to interact with. Kevin DeYoung tells why he baptizes babies.

Jared Wilson offers 25 Evangelical Myths

I leave you with this…not sure it is meant to be funny…but it is:

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(HT: JT…actually Andy Naselli)

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