Review of Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris

Author: Joshua Harris

Pages: 256pgs

Publisher: Multnomah

Price: 13.49

Genre: Biography/Theology/Christian Living

Quick Summary:

This is the unfinished story of Joshua Harris. It is subtitled “Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters”. What, I think, Harris means by that is that this book is about his theology and holding good theology matters. “If we get theology wrong then our whole lives will be wrong”. So, Harris tells his story with humor, wit, and gospel-centered transparency. Along the way he explains “deep” theology in a way that those new to theological discussions could understand.

This book is a systematic theology but not the type you would read in a classroom. It is also a biography but not the kind that only tells a story. This book is about Christian living but not the kind that is divorced from solid biblical truth. It is a biography about Christian doctrine that leads to faithful biblical practice.

What I Liked:

Josh Harris is a tremendously gifted speaker and author, so it is fun reading every chapter. He even has very helpful illustrations to explain the process of sanctification. I am a seminary student and he explained “ivory tower” terms in a way that touched my everyday life. His chapter on sanctification was probably my favorite—but I also liked his “My Rumspringa” chapter.

This book is obviously written to those that are turned off to theology books. And Harris does a wonderful job of teaching sound doctrine that is also practical. Even those that are theologically astute will benefit greatly and should read chapter 11 on humble orthodoxy. This book models humble orthodoxy.

What I Disliked:

This book is definitely written on a level for those that are new to theology; which in my opinion makes it all the more awesome. But if you are a big nerd like me there will be some chapters that seem to drag a little. That’s totally fine because I got plenty out of it still and it is written to a different audience. But just know that if you read a ton of books on theology you probably will not learn anything new—but you will perhaps see in a new light that gives deeper roots to what you already know.

Should You Buy It?

If you are looking for a book that is finally going to settle the issue of limited atonement or once and for all solve the problem of evil as well as explain the Trinity, then this book isn’t for you. In fact I’m not certain you will find a book that will satisfy you. But this book is most certainly one that you need to purchase. Even if you are a theology student you will learn from this book. If you are turned off to theology I urge you to give this book a shot before you give up all that nerdy stuff. This would be a great book for a pastor to keep a few copies of in his office. Check out a sample or just buy the thing.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


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