I am certain that you have heard all the hubbub about the church burning copies of the Koran. Here are several insightful articles on why believers should not support this utter ridiculousness.
Dr. Mohler’s The Briefing
Tony Reinke’s 6 Reasons
Jimmy Snowden’s insightful statement
James Galyon encourages us to pray for its cancellation
Andrew Lisi tells us to burn couches, not the Quran
Carl Trueman also weighs in
But in my opinion this whole thing could have been avoided if we would have remembered that fateful day of July 7, 1996. Here’s the video:
I learned from that day forward, never trust a man with a horseshoe mustache (or a Hungarian variety for that matter). If those following Terry Jones would have learned this principle in ‘96 then it would just be one guy burning books. And not this: