Today is MLK Day. A very special day for our nation to observe. There are quite a few posts today related to this holiday.
One such is a great article by Dr. Moore: Racial Justice and the Goodness of God
Slave Holding as Character Suicide
(HT: JT)
This is one reason I still eat Chicken McNuggets. (HT: Challies)
Every married person, or even those thinking about marriage, should read this. Who pay’s for your spouse’s sin? (HT: Challies)
Challies also a really interesting, and sad, story about his Aunt Nancy and her connection to Leonard Cohen.
I really should start reading every Carl Trueman article. I usually get lost in the title and never really read them. But this one about shame is really good…I only noticed it after Thabiti Anyabwile linked to it.
This was absolutely amazing by Mark Altrogge. In honor of Paul Tripp’s mustache Altrogge wonders what other Christian leaders would look like with mustaches.
Does anyone else find this really ironic? Chan on Celebrity Status and the Holy Spirit.
I want to play baseball, softball, wiffleball, anything…
(HT: 22 Words)