Reformation Heritage recently sent me a couple of books to review. One of them is a little booklet written by Albert N. Martin. entitled Preaching in the Holy Spirit. At one particular point he provides the reader with a few things that will bring a true earnestness in the pulpit. I share them for your benefit:
Well, brethren, what are we doing in the pulpit? Are we merely earning a living, trafficking in noble and religious notions? Do we really desire to see sinners saved? Do we genuinely long to see the people of God brought to greater maturity in Christ? Do we believe that the things we convey in our preaching will, with the blessing of God, produce those very things for which we yearn? If the answer to these questions is yes, then how can we help but be passionate and earnest? (Martin, Preaching in the Holy Spirit, 32-33)
May our goal be a more fixed eye upon Jesus and not passion for passion’s sake.