Today in Blogworld 8.2.12

When You’re In a Spiritual Storm, Trust Your Instruments

Jon Bloom shares about a spiritual storm in his life and reflects on how a lesson for pilots helped him. 

The Beauty of Biblical Balance

When I think of men like D.A. Carson one of the terms that comes to my mind is biblical balance.  Thankfully, he has written a helpful article on biblical balance. 

Summer 2012 Themelios Now Available

Speaking of D.A. Carson…the summer edition of Themelios is now available.  It includes the above article by Carson and biblical balance and many more quality articles.  Nathan Finn gives a helpful rundown with links.

Gospel Preaching Isn’t Enough

Not only is a gospel pulpit necessary but so is a gospel culture.  Bob Thune helps us ask a few questions about the gospel culture in our churches.

Awhile back I shared a remix of Mr. Rogers.  This one on Bob Ross is just as good: