Today in Blogworld 10.01.12

Happy October!  Feels like just yesterday I said Happy September.

At Least 5 Things Scripture Teaches Us About Governments

In this political season it’s a good idea to keep our nose in the Word and our hearts fixated on our heavenly citizenship.  Tim Challies helps us by outlining at least 5 things that the Bible says about governments.

5 Types of Critics in the Church

Thom Rainer, who has dealt with a fair share of criticism, lists and explains the five different types of critics within the church.

Making Disciples by Planting

I really like the stuff put out by Matthias Media.  Here is one very intriguing article on why planting churches is good for making disciples.

The Science of the Cinnamon Challenge

I’ve never tried it.  Probably never will.  This video on Abraham Piper’s blog explains what the cinnamon challenge is and why it’s not only impossible it’s also dangerous.  (Though I’m not sure impossible is the right word because I believe I saw a dude from Mythbusters do it). 


One Comment

  1. The link on the Cinnamon Experiment takes you to the link above on church planting…thought you might like to be aware of that 🙂

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