Today in Blogworld 10.19.12

Teaching Christ from the Old & New Testaments

The idea of teaching Christ from the Old & New Testaments is not a new concept to Southern Baptists.  Nor is it an exclusively Calvinistic practice.  This method of teaching the Scriptures has been around from the beginning of SBC life.  Ed Stetzer shows that a Christ-centered hermeneutic is really just “seeing things in light of Christ”.

I Might Not Vote for Mitt Romney

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has removed Mormonism from its list of cults.  Joe Carter provides a good summaryBart Barber (in the above linked article) explains why he might not vote for Romney because of this.  Dave Miller, who will probably still vote for Romney, also weighs in

Blind Spots and Lane Changes

Blind spots in driving make lane changes exceedingly difficult and dangerous.  Thabiti Anyabwile says the same thing is true theologically and in leadership. 

The Man Behind

John Hendryx is the founder of (He’s not the founder of Monergism—because that would be the Lord).  I have greatly benefited from the site and if you have as well you’ll enjoy this interview. 

Piper at his best: