Today in Blogworld 03.19.13

After being sick and not posting for a couple days, I should probably call this “a few days ago in blogworld”; at least until I get caught up.

10 Things to Consider Before Engaging in Controversy

Burk Parsons encourages us to examine ourselves before engaging in controversy. Here are ten questions to ask yourself. (HT: Z)

9 Things You Should Know About the Papacy

With the election of a new pope the papacy has been in the news a good deal recently. Here are 9 things you should know.

9 Ways to Boost Creative Thinking

Why are there so many lists of “9” things these days? Here is another one—this time 9 ways to boost your creativity.

The King of Clean Comedy

I love comedy. I seldom get to watch it because most of it is too vulgar. Jim Gaffigan is an exception. I appreciated this article about top comics “working clean”.

Here are 50 misconceptions debunked. (I’d like to research a few of these, but that’s because I’m a nerd)