Pray For Your Daughter: 31 Day Challenge—Day Five

Day Five: That her hands would serve

Colossians 3.24b “You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Language is beautiful. We often use language to create images that catch our attention or communicate in a vivid way. For instance, in this prayer we focus on our daughter’s hands. Those hands represent the whole posture of her life. We want to see our daughters serve Christ.

Every time I look at my daughter’s little hands I am reminded of Christ. When she whispers to her brother, “Let me do that for you.” Or when she giggles as she gets a utensil for mommy out of the kitchen door, I rejoice as I watch her little hands serve. Though she is young and only beginning to understand the posture of service, she delights in the Lord’s work.

Lord, I pray that my daughter will not serve to get served in return. I pray that she will discover that she serves others as she serves Christ. Fill her heart with eagerness to serve. Ready her hands for selfless effort. May those little hands get most excited about embracing You, her Father in Heaven, with the same fierceness that they embrace her Daddy on earth.

Joey Cochran is the father of Chloe and Adalie. He is the Church Planting Intern at Redeemer Fellowship St. Charles and blogs at Follow @joeycochran on twitter.