Help Title My Next Writing Project

Last year I wrote a little devotional on the book of Colossians and gave it to my son for his fifth birthday. We gave him the devotional and his own Children’s Bible. At the time I simply titled it “Isaiah’s Big Boy Bible Study”.

Now I’ve been inspired to tweak that devotional and make it available for others. The goal of the project is to continue to write devotional on various books of the Bible that parents (primarily dads) can use with their sons*. It is written on a level for K-2 children.

The first devotional is on Paul’s letter to the Colossians. It is tentatively subtitled Jesus is All That We Need. The little book will have about twenty devotionals that go through the entire letter. It will also be illustrated by Ed Koehler. I’m also excited to potentially have the Foreword written by someone that many of my readers will know.

I believe that this project can really assist the church and help families in doing short devotions with their children. They are interactive Bible studies that go deep in the text but do so in a way that is understandable to smaller children. Each Bible study has questions that will engage the heart of your child.

So here is where I need your help. I’m struggling to come up with a name for this project. This need not be the name for the specific Colossians devotional but for the entire project.

What would you title a series of devotionals written to assist parents in leading their children with gospel-centered Bible studies over various books of the Bible?

*Eventually, I’ll branch out and do one for daughters as well.  Again, if the Lord sees fit I’ll expand this in the future.


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