Today in Blogworld 02.19.14

True Greatness Never Goes Viral

Stephen Altrogge writes a touching tribute to his grandfather.

If You Don’t Have a Dramatic Testimony

This one is from Stephen too. (Dude is on a roll). This one for DG and its helpful for those that don’t have a dramatic testimony.

Why It’s Hard to be a Christian Online

“When the business world disagrees with your idea, they critique your idea. When Christians disagree with your idea, they critique your soul.” –Jon Acuff

Is Homosexual Orientation Sinful?

I think this is an interesting question. Awhile back I went through the writings of Calvin trying to determine how he would answer this question. His answer, I believe, would have been similar to Denny Burk’s here. It’s not a popular answer and it poses some rather sticky questions, but it’s one that ought to considered.

What is the most satisfying thing to the creator of the jumpshot? I thought it was going to be bread & butter pickles, but he fooled me: