Today in Blogworld 03.21.14

12 Mistakes People Make in Their Twitter Bios


4 Things of Learned from the (Hateful) Ministry of Fred Phelps

I found this an interesting reflection on Fred Phelps.

Outrage Porn and the Christian Reader

Outrage sells. Just like porn. Neither should…especially in the church.

9 Thoughts on Celebrity Pastors, Controversy, the New Calvinism, etc.

Kevin DeYoung weighs in on some of the recent controversy involving Driscoll, New Calvinism, etc. Personally, I believe he is spot on but I’d have some kickback on a few points. I’m probably more in line with what Carl Trueman says here.

I’m pretty sure everybody in the world has already seen this, but if you were waiting for it to appear on here before viewing it, you might find this quite funny:

One Comment

  1. My favorite part of the video is when the good looking parents’ little girl yawns…(ahhhh), searches for her sippy cup and pops it in her mouth. Prematurely, she finds them slightly embarrassing.

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