31 Days of Purity: What Now?

Yesterday, we completed our 31 Days of Purity. For the past month, men from all around the world have been encouraged through devotions and prayers to pursue purity. We believe it has been a great time of encouragement and help to these men. Though our posts will stop on April 1st we pray that our pursuit of purity does not.

So what now?

There have been several men in our Facebook group that have asked to continue the challenge. Some are even requesting that we continue writing devotionals and daily prayers. I’ve heard their requests and considered them. I considered my own time and also whether such a thing would be beneficial. As for me, I’d be willing to put the time and effort into continuing these posts if it meant that Christ would be the only boast in the heart of these men (and I would wager that Tim would say the same).

But as I’ve prayed through this I do not believe writing more posts and prayers would be the most beneficial to these men. It has always been our aim to see these 31 day challenges begin online and then spread through local churches. Our battle for purity is fundamentally a battle that is to be fought on a local church level, where you can look a fellow brother in the eyes.

I am encouraged by the number of men that want to keep this thing going. In fact, I agree with them. But I don’t believe the place to keep it going is necessarily on Facebook or through blog posts. Brothers, keep it going in your local church. Here is how:

  1. Download the free eBook.
  2. Find someone in the local church and go through the challenge with them or gather a group of men in your church and go through the challenge with them.
  3. Keep your eyes on Christ and keep fighting.

You may also find it helpful to subscribe to Borrowed Light (in the upper right hand corner) or follow me on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date on any of the latest challenges. There are a few ideas floating around in my head for other 31 day challenges.

Lastly, though we will not continue feeding into the Facebook group we are NOT shutting the group down. There are usually second and third waves of folks joining these groups. And there is value in continuing to have a place where men can discuss some issues together and share helpful articles (though these will be heavily moderated). But we won’t continue feeding into the group the same way that we have for these 31 days. For that, once again, we encourage local church participation.

Our ultimate hope is that the Facebook group eventually dies out but this 31 Day challenge spreads like wildfire throughout local churches. Either way, may God be glorified as redeemed men and women pursue holiness.

Thank you for joining us these 31 days.