Today in Blogworld 06.17.14

10 Words “The Simpsons” Invented

Having not really watched The Simpsons for awhile some of these were new to me. But it’s still pretty cool that they’ve managed to actually invent a few words.

Success is Dangerous


10 Personalities that Have No Place in Christian Marriage

One of them is milquetoast. I’ve got to confess I’ve never heard that word before. If you are like me, it means “weak, timid, or bland”.

When My Fashion Accessory Told Me To Take a Hike

Tim Challies has a certain fashion accessory that he now realizes he needs to get rid of—or at least repurpose. I really thought it was going to be a man purse….

A dude that knocks over dominoes has 200,000 subscribers. He celebrates this occasion by knocking down 22,000 dominoes in a quite elaborate display: