Pray For Your Husband: 31 Day Challenge–Day Four

Day Four: That God Would Sustain our Husbands

I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the LORD sustained me. (Psalm 3:5 ESV)

It is not easy for our husbands to keep going everyday. They get tired; sometimes they don’t want to get out of bed and face the day. We understand because we feel the same way on some days. And yet, day after day they work to provide for us and our children. On other occasions, they may be worried with all the responsibilities of being a husband and father and they lie awake at night wrestling with burdens – financial, spiritual, etc. Today, let’s pray for the Lord to sustain our husbands for the days ahead, the restless nights, and for us to show them respect.

Lord God, You are sovereign. You are the ultimate provider and lover of our souls.  And yet, you have given a role that mirrors your relationship to your bride, the church, to our husbands.  This is not an easy road of loving, providing, and being a spiritual head.  Lord, please shower our husbands with your mercy and grace.  Be their rest as they lie down in peace and safety.  Lord, be their courage as they get up another day to live a life of worship to you as they reflect your love, grace, provision and protection to their family.  God you are so good to us, thank you for the gift of our husbands.  Continue to help us work out our salvation together in our roles as husband and wife.  Help us to show respect to them in our attitude and actions; help our hearts to submit to you Lord, as we lovingly and respectfully submit to our husbands without fear.  In all these things we pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Bethany Wilhite is wife of Michael who is the meterologist at, and the mother of Abigail, age 7 .  Bethany attends True Vine Baptist Church in Ferdinand, IN.

Nikki Leake