Would God Create Something We Weren’t Supposed to Use?

I got an email about a year ago that floored me. What floored me was the openness by which a stranger could write with such vulgarity. The email itself was a response to an article that I had written on homosexuality. The author gave me a lengthy lesson on positions of the mail “g-spot” and a short lesson on male and female orgasms.

I’m embarrassed to have even typed that much. The email was a million times more vulgar and forthright. Her argument was that homosexuality (or at least bisexuality) must be okay and even designed by a higher power because why in the world would men be created with pleasure zones in places that can only be stimulated during homosexual activity.

If I sift through all of the language that makes me uncomfortable, her argument is really no different that ones that I hear everyday. At its core the argument is that something feels good, God created it to feel good, therefore God must want me to enjoy it.

God, it is argued, would never create something if we weren’t meant to use it.

All around her eyes set upon beauty. Everything that she sees is for her enjoyment and it is at her disposal. The beautiful sunset is there for her to enjoy. The flowers are there for her to smell. The husband is present for her to enjoy—and with him she will work and keep the garden. Together they will be fruitful and multiply.

Well, it’s not quite all hers to enjoy. There is that one tree…

It’s that one tree that the serpent will pounce on. He’ll fixate Eve’s eyes on the things that she doesn’t have instead of what she has been given. And he’ll use the same argument that he’s using in our day. “Surely, God wouldn’t create that tree if it wasn’t meant for your betterment. Take. Indulge. Enjoy. It’s there for the taking”.

And she ate…

God, it seems, is far less pragmatic than we are. He’ll plant a beautiful and fruitful tree in a garden not for the sake of providing food but for the sake of displaying our hearts.

Men and women that will never be married still have properly functioning sexual organs. God created them with the ability to give and receive pleasure. God has created something in them that is not meant to be used in the typical way. Just as with Adam and Eve this forbidden tree is here to display our hearts.

The same goes for whatever male “g-spot” there is or is not. It means nothing if men are able to give and receive pleasure through anal sex. It, like the tree in the garden, is meant to display our hearts.

Will we trust that pleasure in God is greater than these lesser pleasures? Will we trust that there is more joy in holiness? Or will we listen to forked tongued lies which tell us that if something is temporarily enjoyable then God wouldn’t withhold it?

Friends, we will miss out on no good thing. There will not be singles in heaven that look back on their life and complain to Jesus that they missed out. Likewise, faithful husbands and wives, and celibate people with same-sex attraction, will not look back and say that they missed out by pursuing holiness over fleeting pleasure.

God is sweeter no matter how great the earthly pleasure.


  1. Mike,

    Good points, thought-full article.

    Delete my comment after you’ve made whatever edits you need to make for a sentence I couldn’t quite make sense of –> “Or will we listen forked tongued likes that tell us just because something is temporarily enjoyable God wouldn’t withhold it?”

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