Today in Blogworld 10/06/15

5 Wonderful Truths about Biblical Confession

You don’t normally think of Ezra as a great book for counseling help, but here we see these 5 truths from the book of Ezra.

Pope Francis Never Mentioned Jesus

Just saying the name Jesus might not make something a Christian discourse—likewise not saying His name doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t faithful. Having said that I do believe its telling that the supposed “vicar of Christ” didn’t mention Jesus.

Unlock God’s Storehouse of Grace

This I needed.

How to Write a Devotional: The Definitive Guide

I’ve weighed going into devotional writing. But since I can barely keep up with this blog I don’t think I’d have the time for it. But if I ever do, I’m confident this will be an article I look back upon.

Neat trick: