Pray For Your church: 31 Day challenge—Day Thirteen

Day 13: That we would stand firm

So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. (2 Thessalonians 2:15 ESV)

Standing firm in traditions will get you a bad rap in our day. Granted, there are some traditions which are not worth standing upon. This is further seen by the fact that a majority of times this word is used in the New Testament it is upon the lips of Jesus condemning the Pharisees for clinging to their traditions. But there are also some traditions which are grounded in the gospel and which we ought to stand firm upon. What we are really to be standing firm upon is the apostolic tradition as given to us in Word of God. The word itself comes from a military formation. What this means is that believers—and churches—should not break rank. Regardless of the cultural climate around us we must remain faithful.

Father, you have graciously communicated your will to us through your Word. Help us as a church to boldly stand firm on your Word to us. There are times when it can be tempting to compromise. Protect us from ourselves and from the fear of man. Give us the courage to stand firmly and to not break rank. Give us the boldness to die upon the hills we should die and to not bother climbing the ones which are the mere traditions of men. Grant us the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.