Today in Blogworld 11.28.16

I had to take another week off of blogging. This means that I haven’t shared a weeks worth of great articles with you. So, I’ll be playing catch-up for awhile. Nevertheless, these are worth reading even if you find they were written a couple weeks ago:

The 5 C’s of Preaching

Helpful grid for analyzing our preaching.

Sunday Isn’t Enough

Joe Thorn with a wonderful defense of the need for small/community groups. We are trying to figure out how to make those part of our church life here.

12 Questions to Ask Before Posting Something Online

It’d be a good idea to ask these questions for EVERYTHING you post online.

Worship Interrupted

I appreciate what this article is defending.

Husbands, Learn Your Wives


There are four words which guide Alistair Begg’s teaching:

3 from Truth For Life on Vimeo.