Read This! 03.30.17

Are Homeschool Families More Likely to Experience Divorce?

Interesting study results.

Confessing the Sin of Platforming

This is good and a very real struggle.

Why We Need ‘Useless’ People

So sad. Appreciate any efforts to advocate for those with Down syndrome.

10 Mistakes Churches Make with Special Needs Families

Every church needs to think through this. I need to put a team to think through how to better serve those with special needs.

To the Unknown Pastor

As one of those pastors I found this very encouraging.

On Emotionalism and the Gospel

Emotionalism is so dangerous to a real experience of the gospel.

Why Christians Should Read History


Why I Think People Still Like the Shack

I love what Nate did here.

6 Lessons Learned Ministering in a Blue-Collar Community

There are differences to ministry in a blue-collar setting.

Church hunters…it’s sad to me how true to reality this is:

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