Why We Can Rejoice that Marriage Will End
I’ve always had a difficult time with this concept.
Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique
This is the type of book I wish I wanted to read.
How Can I Know I’ve Been Called to Pastoral Ministry?
I tend to agree with this.
False Repentance Leads to False Conversion
3 Reasons to Regularly Let Others Preach
It is beneficial.
Who are the “Broken Wolves” in the Evangelical Community Today?
This is such an interesting concept.
James White’s 4 Key’s to Effective Debating
This is also a great advertisement for why one should never order gluten-free products around Dr. White.
John Newton on Suffering in the Pastor’s Life
Two things I love most: John Newton and pastoring.
I now know why the male praying mantis prays so much: