Read This 07.03.18

Introversion as an Excuse

I think we could really say this of any personality type.

Clarity Not Charity

This is a helpful discussion on using worship songs that might have confusing lyrics.

Help Us Help Dave Miller

My friend, Dave, has been going through quite the ordeal. Things are looking positively on the health end but that doesn’t mean his bills are paid. Consider helping this brother out.

That Little Red Hen Was a Pharisee


The Greatest Treasure of Church History

This is so good.

A Parent’s Guide to the 5 Skeptics Who Want to Shame Your Kids for Being Christian

I found this to be incredibly helpful.

The Challenges and Joys of a Young Pastor

This was a refreshing reminder.

7 Bible Verse You May Be Taking Out of Context

Yeah, I’ve seen about every one of these taken out of context. And I’ve probably been guilty of doing it to many of them myself.

I think this is a question we are going to see more and more in the coming days: