Read This! 06.06.19

Is Every Sin Outside the Body Except Immoral Sex?

I always appreciate the work of Andy Naselli. Here he is weighing whether 1 Corinthians 6:18b is Paul’s statement or a Corinthian slogan.

David Platt prays for the President

This is a video of Platt praying for President Trump. He models how to do it. I appreciate his doing this. I also appreciate his letter after the fact.

Three Symptoms of a Dying Church


Our Current Complementarian Brouhaha

I think Dave does a pretty solid job here.

Moms, We Need the Gospel on Repeat

It’s so easy to forget this, isn’t it?

10 Little Things That Can Change Your Ministry As A Pastor

And YOU can do every single one of these—doesn’t require a committee or a business meeting.

7 Lies Christians in College Tell Themselves

This is good.

10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Southern Baptists

Our annual meeting is next week. We’ll likely make the news (hopefully not for stupid things). And we’re often misunderstood.

‘Belonging before believing’ seems like a good idea but it isn’t: