Read This! 1.21.20

Five Key Questions to Ask of Your Church Polity

I do find these questions incredibly helpful. Different congregations may differ on how they answer them but the whole process would be thought-provoking.

Can We Give Thanks For Flawed Heroes?

I really hope we get this one right as a culture. As a student of history it saddens me that our cancel culture has impacted men/women of the past. That’s not to say that everything is perfect—but merely to say I’m not sure anyone in the image of God should be canceled.

Wayne Grudem on Divorce and Abuse

This is actually pretty significant. You’ve probably already read this one, but I find his position pretty helpful.

Is There Still a Place for Blogs in 2020?

I agree with Tim, but I still think the nature of blogging needs to change a bit. There is also an underbelly to the democratization of knowledge. I know that there isn’t much of a way that I’d ever have had a platform (even as minimal as it is) or published a book without this. And yet I also think this democratization of knowledge without a growth in wisdom is one of our great social ills.

Medieval Book Curses

Such a fun little history. I like reading these little slices of days long gone.

6 Ways to Foster Healthy Social Media Habits

These are helpful. The goal of fruitful engagement is a good one to set. Far too often other motivations are driving the bus.

Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? I was close: