Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 2/28-03/02

I doubt these would actually work, but Michael Patton gives us 20 Theological Pick Up Lines. My favorite is this one: “I could not help but notice you were exegeting me instead of the text during the sermon.” Check out… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/11

Alvin Reid has some insights on Students and Student Ministry. Phil Johnson asks, and attempts to answer, a much debated question: How Can we be Held Responsible for our Inability? In the conclusion he states, “our inability is no excuse… Continue Reading

Today in Blogworld 2/1

Welcome to February. I am beginning to think that many bloggers are snowed in today; we are having quite an active Friday. Steve Camp has a well put-together post on Discerning whether or not you are in Christ. He provides… Continue Reading