Grace for the Little Things
It was an easy task. At least it should have been. Yet, if you ask my wife why our garbage disposal leaks she can quickly point the finger to the time that I took the whole thing apart, breaking the… Continue Reading
It was an easy task. At least it should have been. Yet, if you ask my wife why our garbage disposal leaks she can quickly point the finger to the time that I took the whole thing apart, breaking the… Continue Reading
…how greatly would they prize the gospel, which alone can support us in the day of trouble, or even enable us to find satisfaction in a state of prosperity! (John Newton in a Letter to the Rev. William Howell) It… Continue Reading
I missed a post by Kevin DeYoung a couple of days ago. In this post he decries those that… “claim to transcend old polarities. The ones that always claim to be above all the silly nonsense that used to drag… Continue Reading
Perhaps the most offensive claim of the gospel is that a hate-filled cannibalistic child molester finds the same redemption and has an equal status in the eyes of God as your dear old church lovin’, bake-sale havin’, baby burpin’ granny. … Continue Reading