Amazon Reviews
You may remember my 2008 Reading Plan. If I read all of those books I will have read 40. I am hoping to add to this list…my big goal is 100, my lower goal is 50. In reality it might… Continue Reading
You may remember my 2008 Reading Plan. If I read all of those books I will have read 40. I am hoping to add to this list…my big goal is 100, my lower goal is 50. In reality it might… Continue Reading
Author: Jonathan Aitken Publisher: Crossway Pages: 400 pages Price: 21.99 USD Genre: Biography Quick Summary: It is somewhat difficult to write a review on a biography when it is the first one on the subject that you have read. My… Continue Reading
Last night was a significant milestone in the ’08 Election process. The winners of the Iowa caucuses were Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama. I could easily link to numerous articles on this. I particularly am interested in Thabiti’s response (he… Continue Reading
How often do children of God sadly experience that which Newton speaks of? How is it that we can experience the blessedness of God and over time the evenening shade prevail? Newton offers encouragement and points us to sovereign grace.… Continue Reading