Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 03/10-11

Trevin Wax discusses the influence of Calvinism at Southern Seminary (SBTS). I particularly like this paragraph: “Perhaps there are some who fit the category of “hyperactive” Calvinists – students who are still in the proverbial “cage-stage” of Calvinism and who… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 02/19

Are we still under the Law? Nathan Busenitz attempts to answer that question. Today we are treated to Part 1 in his series. His thesis will be that the apostlic saints saw that we are “no longer under any part… Continue Reading

Borrowed Light: Today in Blogworld 01/18

Apparently TULIP’s have thorns. At least that seems to be the conclusion reached by many in the “old-guard” of the SBC. Recently 15 Evangelists (why this is BP News I’m not sure) met to discuss the growing movement of Calvinism… Continue Reading