7 Reflections on #T4G12
First of all I am thankful to my wife and church family for giving me the opportunity to attend this event. It was a blessing to me and a great encouragement to my soul; both as a pastor and as… Continue Reading
First of all I am thankful to my wife and church family for giving me the opportunity to attend this event. It was a blessing to me and a great encouragement to my soul; both as a pastor and as… Continue Reading
Yesterday I said that there are two ways to sell books on church and ministry. (If you haven’t read that post yet spend a couple of minutes and read it). There are two ways to sell books because there are… Continue Reading
There are two ways to sell a book on church and ministry. Option #1: On the back cover you read: “__Guy that is obviously cooler than you , became pastor of Cool Name Church in 1994. This once struggling… Continue Reading
This is one of the songs from T4G that has remained stuck in my head: T4G2010 — O Great God from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo. You can find the lyrics and back story here.